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The White House

Washington, USA
4.4 / 39
It looks like a rather modest white building, in which the US Presidential Administration is located. The mansion was built in 1800 under the second American president John Adams. The building consists of six floors (including basement and basement). Two floors are occupied by the family of the incumbent president, the rest are administrative premises, reception halls, dining rooms. Together with the tour you can see the historic chambers of the White House: Blue, Green, Red rooms and some others.
Address:1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington
Phone:+1 202-456-1111



Famous The White House - residence of the President of the United States of America
I was disappointed that our tour bus didn't take us closer. We didn't know they changed those plans until we were on it. So, unfortunately, we were only able to see it from afar. Nevertheless, it is an impressive building. I would love .. Read more »
Well shielded. But you can take a photo with the building in the background ...
This is a great place to visit if you're in DC for the sites. It's such an important historical site. Make sure to plan your trip and get a reservation a few weeks or even months ahead of time for a tour. It's always crowded in the sum.. Read more »
It was very cool to see the White House! It's nice seeing where the President lives. I recommend visiting the important building. (Please note that we did not actually enter the White House's interior, we only saw the outside.). A must see .. Read more »
A must if you go to Washington. They have greatly delimited the area by creating a double security perimeter. If you can go see it during the day and then at night the better, so you will see it illuminated. There are always demonstrations out front .. Read more »
Visiting the White House was a highlight of our trip to D.C. To know our nations history and see all of the portraits and photos of the families that have served our nation was inspiring. It is worth the effort to get a tour. I am so grateful that th.. Read more »
The white house tour was amazing. It was filled with amazing history and we even got to see the president arrive back from a trip. You have to request the tour through your state representative but if you do enough in advance it is well worth it.
I basically decided to make the trip to DC based on the fact that we got a tour to the White House. It was definitely an amazing thing that you must do once in your life. It's a hassle to apply for the tour but you won't regret it.
We we're lucky enough to be selected to take a tour. Visiting this monument was so incrediblel. Realizing that you are walking in the footsteps of some of the most people to ever live is, powerful. The chance to see so many of the rooms was a gi.. Read more »
It’s an honor for Americans to be able to see the White House. What a beautiful building. The secret service personal that I had contact with was polite. They were on the ground and also on the roof of the White House. The grounds were very wel.. Read more »
A must see attraction when travelling to Washington. The architecture and location are fantastic and it’s proximity to other major attractions and points of interest is a bonus. The only downside, which is understandable, is you are a long way .. Read more »
A magnificent edifice and structure. It's fully white in color, looks very pretty and beautiful. It's a historical place. It's a Landmark in The United States of America being home and office of the current President of the United Stat.. Read more »
Yesterday I visited the White House at 8:30am and it was not only stunning but the staff and Secret Service Police were beyond professional, polite and helpful. I've interacted with at lest 8 secret service officers and each one was just simply .. Read more »
Frankly sharing with you there is not much to see and move around the white house. Visited this place in 2013 and a bit disappointed. One can see WH from a far distance. It is just ritual to visit this place while in DC/USA.
There are two tours for The White House: The East Wing tour and the West Wing tour. The East Wing is the standard tour where you get tickets through your Representatives' office. The tour itself walks you through the public parts of the White Ho.. Read more »