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St. Catherine's Church

Gdansk, Poland
4.5 / 16
St. Catherine's Church is a beautiful and historic church located in Gdańsk. It is attended by the Carmelite order of monks/priests who serve the parish. The church has a small attendance of older individuals. One unique aspect of the church is that communion is served on the tongue while kneeling, which adds to the lovely atmosphere of the mass. However, it is worth noting that the church appeared to be closed at noon on a Saturday, which may be due to Covid or construction. Visitors are encouraged to check the church's schedule before planning a visit to avoid disappointment. Alternatively, St. Bridget's church, which is located nearby and is known for having the world's largest amber altar, was open during this time. The church itself has a rich history, with the original brick building dating back to the 14th century. It was the former parish church of the Old Town and was administered by the renowned astronomer Hevelius, whose tomb can be found behind the altar. Unfortunately, a fire in 2006 caused significant damage to the church, leading to a lengthy restoration process. Visitors have the option to purchase tickets to access the tower, which offers a panoramic view of the surroundings. However, some visitors have reported frustration at being denied entry due to weather conditions, even when conditions seemed fine. Despite this, St. Catherine's Church remains a must-visit attraction in Gdańsk. The church is dedicated to St. Catherine of Alexandria, the patron saint of scientists, ordinary people, and Cyprus island. Its brick Gothic architecture is delightful, and the tower stands tall at 249 feet. Inside, visitors can admire oil paintings by Flemish painter Isaak van den Blocke and German painter Anton Möller. The church also houses the tombstone of Johann Hewelcke, a renowned astronomer and former mayor of Gdańsk. Outside, the carillon consisting of 50 bells creates a unique and enchanting atmosphere. Overall, St. Catherine's Church is a cool and fascinating place to visit. Its historical significance, stunning architecture, and intriguing exhibits make it a must-see attraction for visitors to Gdańsk.
Address:Profesorska 3, Gdańsk
Phone:+48 58 301 15 95



Attended 8 am mass here. Carmelite order of monks/priests serve the parish. Beautiful church. Small attendance of older folks. Communion served on tongue on your knees- lovely.
Just a quick note to say that this church appeared to be closed at 12pm noon on a Saturday (December 2021). Not sure if this was due to Covid or construction or what, but wanted to offer a heads up for anyone making a special trip. St Bridget’s.. Read more »
Beautiful Church, free entrance??
The former parish, brick church of the Old Town was built in 14th century. Here Hevelius was church administrator and here is also his final resting place. You can find his tomb at the rear behind the altar along with an epitaph funded by his grands.. Read more »
Paid for ticket to see the view from the tower. When we climbed to the top they closed the door saying that the weather is bad, even the weather was okay, no strong wind, just light rain. After talking with the workers they didn't seem to care, .. Read more »
Don't miss this great church when you are in Gdańsk. Por supesto una iglesia de visitar
A.D 1239. Dedicated to St. Catherine of Alexandria, the patron saint of scientists, ordinary people and Cyprus island. Delightful brick gothic architecture. The tower is 249 ft tall. An interesting historical site. Worth visiting. Inside you will see.. Read more »
Cool church!
Really cool to read the story and see the rebuilding
An amazing brick built catch in Wismar, Germany. You can even get a guided tour into the roof arches.
Rough, ruined but tranquil. Huge effort to reconstruct. Lovingly restored. Moving services full of spiritual meaning, full of young people. Inspiring!
Very old and huge church. But after fire. So looks really very old. In basement can be found cemetery with real coffins and bones around.
0ld church with interesting historic story
Very beautiful and very big church
Very Nice view from the top of the Church, and you could walk round the spiers. There is also a clock-museum on the way up?
One of the most beautiful churches in Gdansk. Built in 13th century. The tower (not really a spire) is 76m high. Great astronomer Hevelius is buried here, you can also find some other baroque sarcophagi. You might want to notice two unique things - .. Read more »