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Nordkette Cable Car

Innsbruck, Austria
4.4 / 27
The Hungerburgbahn connects the center of Innsbruck with the Hungerburg region. He is another creation of the talented Zaha Hahid. The funicular makes four stops along the way. The last station is located at an altitude of 860 meters, from where the Nordpark ski area begins. The modern funicular was built to replace the old mechanism that functioned properly from 1906 to 2005.
Address:Höhenstraße 145, Innsbruck
Phone:+43 512 293344



Must do when in Innsbruck. There was no snow downtown, but up there there was 1,5m of snow and still snowing. Restaurant is very good with quality food and there are free of charge ski bikes for kids and adults to enjoy. As for the station, the staff.. Read more »
A modern furnicular that will bring you up from Innsbruck to Hungerburg, then a cable car (Nordkettenbahn) will bring you further up to Seegrube and finally Harfelakar, top of Innbruck 2300m. You must take this trip when you are in Innsbruck. Its a v.. Read more »
Wasn't a huge fan of being stuffed in the lift, but the end of the journey was a HUGE reward. So beautiful being on top of Innsbruck. WOW...definitely a must do