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Istanbul Archaeology Museums

Istanbul, Turkey
4.6 / 102
The Istanbul Archaeology Museums are a dream come true for history lovers and museum enthusiasts. With great descriptions, accurate installations, and a stunning collection of tombs, this museum truly exceeded my expectations. I particularly enjoyed the video-room with animations of Turkish history, as it was inspiring for someone interested in video editing. I highly recommend visiting this museum with all your enthusiasm. Located in a good part of town, the museum is surrounded by many other attractions, making it a convenient and enjoyable destination. The price of 350TL per person may seem steep, but it is definitely worth it, considering the size of the museum and the plethora of things to see. However, during my visit, some parts were under renovation, which limited our experience. Nevertheless, I am confident that you will still be satisfied with what is currently on display. To make the most of your visit, I suggest going early in the morning to avoid long queues and overcrowding. This way, you can fully immerse yourself in the exhibits without feeling rushed or crowded. If you have a museum pass, it's even better, as the line tends to move slowly. Unfortunately, during my visit in 2016, it seemed like there were fewer exhibits on display, possibly due to ongoing renovations. Nonetheless, the museum is definitely worth a visit. For fans of early Anatolian, Greek, and Roman history, this museum is a treat. Although renovations are underway in two buildings, specifically for the tiles and Kadesh contract, it is still worth spending several hours here. The outdoor cafe with Greek columns provides a unique setting for relaxation. The Istanbul Archaeology Museums offer a well-presented and exquisite collection. The gallery dedicated to Troy, with its focus on the different layers of the city's history and extensive exhibition of excavation history, is truly impressive. Overall, this museum is a must-visit and definitely worth revisiting. With a ticket price of 200 Lira or around $8 US, this museum offers exceptional value for money. It is, by far, the coolest museum I have ever seen, with its beautiful design. While some statues may be damaged due to earthquakes, the mausoleums remain in excellent condition. The museum also provides great displays and information about the seven cities of Troy, as well as a wealth of historical and mythological information. While the museum excels in many aspects, the bathroom facilities fall short. It's a shame that such a minor detail overshadows the overall experience of this establishment, which clearly puts effort into every other area. Although the exhibits are beautifully presented, I understand the criticism regarding the lack of descriptions for each piece. Interestingly, the structures outside the museum have more detailed explanations than the ones inside. Nevertheless, I highly recommend this museum and advise allocating plenty of time to fully appreciate the detailed excavations. During my visit, most of the exhibition halls were closed, and we only had access to the main hall. However, the audio guide provided was great and not too lengthy. I was particularly fascinated by the display of one of the three snake heads from the iron basilisk. The Troy Hall, with its layered excavation model, was incredibly informative and creative. Additionally, the museum shop offers unique jewelry designed with ancient motifs and styles. Unfortunately, the bathroom was in dire need of cleaning. Among the various museums I visited during my stay in Istanbul, the Istanbul Archaeology Museums quickly became one of my favorites. The astonishing collection held within its walls is truly remarkable. It is somewhat surprising that this museum is not on the top list of must-visit places in Istanbul, as it is a hidden gem. Furthermore, its lack of popularity ensures that it is not overcrowded, allowing visitors to calmly explore and appreciate the treasures it holds. Personally, I consider this museum to be the best I have ever visited thus far. It is mind-blowing to see the vast amount of artifacts and exhibits it offers. Each section left us amazed, and we could have easily spent a full morning or afternoon exploring. However, I recommend allocating at least 2 hours for a decent visit.
Phone:+90 212 520 77 40



It was an interesting place to visit but not my favorite attraction in Istanbul. I would recommend getting tickets in advance and go early. There are a lot of great exhibits. I liked several areas of the museum and found some sections not very intere.. Read more »
One of the best museums, I've had the pleasure of being in! It's filled with ancient and well preserved artifacts great to marvel at, from the coffin of Alexander, Egyptian coffins to greco-roman statues, and Trojan history. When we went to.. Read more »
Big proportion of the exhibition and collection here is Greek. Quiet location inside a park. Nice walking option around the area. Also there is a relaxing and sunny museum cafe in the courtyard you could enjoy the accompany with cats and birds. The b.. Read more »
The Istanbul Archeology Museum not only displays the artefacts and history discovered in Turkey in an abstract and delightful way, but also covers the history of the world and ancient empires. From the sarcophagus of the Egyptian pharaoh to the stat.. Read more »
Great place to visit on a rainy day. Pretty cheap, we paid 340 TL per person. It took us about 1:30-2:00 hours at max to see everything. Gift shop is a no-ho, everything very overpriced. Coins are 600TL for 6 coins, but you can buy those exact for 5T.. Read more »
It was my dream to visit this museum and I was super excited as well. And it was worth every second: great descriptions, very accurate and interesting installations and as well tombs collections - so gooold. I liked the video-room with animations of .. Read more »
Good part of town as it is surrounded by many things to do around it, the Museum was 350TL per person which I believe is worth the price as it is huge and there are many things to see, unfortunately when we went parts were under renovation so we coul.. Read more »
Nice if you have a museum pass, line wasn't too long but it still seemed to move slowly for me. You're at the whim of every indecisive person. I thought the last time I visited (2016) more was on exhibit, although some things were being wor.. Read more »
Good for early Anatolia, Greek, and Roman history fans. Renovations under way for two buildings with tiles and Kadesh contract but worthwhile for several hours of stay. Outdoor cafe with Greek columns was very unique setting.
Exquisit museum with a very well presented collection. The Troy gallery with its focus on the different stratigraphic layers of the successive cities through history, in combination with an in-depth exhibition of the excavation history is truly impre.. Read more »
Well worth the 200 Lira ticket ($8 US). The coolest museum I've ever seen.. beautifully designed.. unfortunately most of the statues are damaged because of earthquakes the mausoleums are in excellent condition. Great display and info about the 7.. Read more »
Amazing history and presentation of history. The only reason this museum does not get a 5 star rating is the bathroom. So much effort into all areas of this establishment and its overshadowed by a poor restroom. The exhibits are presented beautifull.. Read more »
Most of the exhibition halls are closed. When we were there, we had access only at the main hall. The audio guide is great and not too long per audio. One of the 3 snake heads from the iron basilisk is there on display. The Troy Hall and its layered .. Read more »
One of my favorite museums during stay in Istanbul. Collection of it is astonishing. I don't know why it is not on top list of must visit places of Istanbul, but it is great. Also, because it is not among top attractions in Istanbul it's no.. Read more »
Best museum I’ve ever visited so far! It’s crazy how much there’s to see, we were amazed at each section. You can easily spend a full morning or afternoon here if you’re interested in history, but need at least 2 hours I think.. Read more »
Best museum I’ve ever visited so far! It’s crazy how much there’s to see, we were amazed at each section. You can easily spend a full morning or afternoon here if you’re interested in history, but need at least 2 hours I think.. Read more »
I have mixed feelings about this museum. Based on some of the newer signs, it’s possible they plan on renovating more. In the meantime , they gave some really cool things but without adequate/ exciting signage. I didn’t have the audio .. Read more »
Incredibly vast museum highlighting the art and way of living of civilizations before us. I love the personal finds like the oldest love poem, as well as how they mapped out how a particular area lived over centuries according where in the layers of .. Read more »
Perhaps the best part of my Turkey visit. Expansive, educational and elaborate collection of artifacts displayed tastefully and with great detail of information. The Museum has several sections so one can easily spend an entire day here. The Sarcopha.. Read more »
Love this museum, favourite one in Istanbul. Queue can be very long and slow and lots of school kids. However, what's inside it make it so worthwhile. Can easily spend an afternoon here if you are into museums.
Okay, so the exhibits are excellent, at least ones we got to see (more on that later). But here are all the things that went wrong: 1) There was a giant line at the entrance that took us about twenty minutes to get through. Such poor organization. 2).. Read more »
Great museum. Lots of exhibits, one more interesting than the other and a perfect organization. Definitely worth a visit, preferably with a personal guide, but in any case, without haste. It takes about two hours to see and admire all its artifacts, .. Read more »
It's quite an impressive museum, much better than anticipated. There is a couple of amazing things there, and the museum itself feels new and freshly renovated. Everything is in English, but the line to buy tickets will take up at least 30 minut.. Read more »
In a word...FABULOUS! A magnificent collection presented in a very visually appealing and highly informative manner. Plan on several hours if you really want to absorb as much as this showcase has to offer.
One of the most amazing museums worth visiting in Turkey and also in the world! Thousands of pieces collected from hundreds of civilizations spreading across Anatolia, this museum is an extremely inspiring place to have a glimpse of Anatolia and appr.. Read more »
Very spacious museum with vast number of collections. Be ready to walk a lot. Many tombs, monuments, jewelry and coin exhibits. Egyptian mummies, research area, even the way to the toilet is full of historical pieces. Museum card let you pass without.. Read more »
Offers brilliantly restored Art with excellent architecture to marvel at! The museum is right inside Gulhane park. 5 minutes walk from Gulhane Station. Students can get a museum card made for 30 TL by presenting their university student ID and ente.. Read more »
Very cool museum with many ancient artifacts. I only wish that there was more to see and more detailed exhibits. Many placards had only limited information. Also, they keep the lights very dim throughout the museum, I assume to preserve the nature of.. Read more »
I can talk for hours about the magnificence of this place. It’s huge! Filled with statues of all famous and non-famous, real and fictional characters. Gods and goddesses, warriors, heroes, remnants of the old ages, archeological excavations, bo.. Read more »
Despite many sections being closed off, this is still an excellent museum for the quality of the sarcophagi alone. There are so many exceptional pieces, with very high quality carvings. The Babylonian wall tile street decorations are also stunning.
Definitely a must go to when in Istanbul!!! Three museums in one location! I personally was the biggest fan of their cuneiform tablets! They are incredible! Plus the Sumerian statues! Plus Alexander the great has his sarcophagus there! Also there .. Read more »
This is interesting Museum with ancient artifacts. There are a lot of sarcophagi, tombstones and even a couple of real mummies. It's surprising, but a little grim. After beeing there you might find yourself under a heavy impression, creepy feeli.. Read more »
One of the best museums in the world! You need at least 3 hours if you don't want it rushed, there are 3 museums here and a little cafe at the garden. A lot of well preserved artifacts and stunning sarcophagus. Get the multi day museum pass to s.. Read more »
Istanbul Archaeologicam Museum is one the spectacular attractions of Istanbul city. the most important benefit of this place is that it is close to other places you maybe want ti visit. the access to this place is easy.
Breathtaking museum and experience. Everything is maintained intact and the atmosphere of the museum is perfect. It is also small to see, so it won’t take up much time
Given the incredibly rich history of the region the museum is distinctly underwhelming. There are a few very nice pieces but they are generally not contextualised. The majority of the collection is sarcophagi. The exhibition of the Hellenic period is.. Read more »
Absolutely breath taking museum! If you are planning to visit it, please at least plan 4 hours minimum. The pieces in display are stunning! There is a nice cozy cafe in between the buildings, which you will be surrounded cute cats while you enjoy you.. Read more »
It's an interesting place, but almost all of the exhibits there are sarcophaguses. Even if they are true masterpieces in their 'branch', I would not recommend visiting the museum in a bad mood. A million+ pieces is impressive but there.. Read more »
It was amazing! I liked how they saved everything, the museum is so clean and the atmosphere is more than beautiful! Highly recommend. One star left for the price :p
Great museum placed in a beautiful neighborhood surrendered by little cafes and hotels. The museum includes many interesting historical objects and other stuff both from the ottoman era and older. Also there are categorized sections that helps you c.. Read more »
Thousands of years of history are in these museums. From Assyrian, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Greek, Roman and Egyptian - you will see it all. The museum is broken into three sections, all very large. You can easily spend hours here. They also have a.. Read more »
Before the quarantine I believe it was even greater! But even today you can see the tiled lions from Ishtar gates, Alexander the Great sarcophagus (which is not his in fact) and much more. Not forget to have a tee in a marvelous garden decorated with.. Read more »
Amazing selection of antiquities and historical artifacts from different time periods and their empires. Unfortunately some parts have limited information regarding that particular artifact which is a shame. The museum isn't very big but you wou.. Read more »
We went in the museum at 2:30 pm and had to finish at 3:30 pm. Officially its open to 4:00 pm but the guards told us to leave the building at 3:30 pm which was annoying. But what we could see within an hour was very interesting! To see man made stuff.. Read more »
This was a super cool place to explore. I enjoy being able to take a look into history, this place was no exception. If you have the time stop on in here.
If you like historical and archeological terms - this is your place.. Really.. You will enjoy.. And it could take all day with coffee breaks in archeological small park with coffee between antique columns ?
Not very big, honestly was expecting more artefacts for the rich history that Turkey has, but well kept exposition. Nice inner cafe.
Three period of time museum with different hictorical story .you need at least 1/30 hours to see completely these 3 museum .first and second museum have better collection than the third one.if you love history and culture it's best place for you.. Read more »
If you kind of that do not like museums, this one worth visiting anyway. It has many sarcophagus open with bones inside, you can walk around it pretty close. Some of archaeological artefacts looks really impressive, telling the history of their owner.. Read more »
The coolest archeological museum I have ever visited. Absolutely stunning collection of artifacts.
If the museum is closed at 4 pm you should mention it here, so that visitors are not being misled as it happened in my case. The guard at the entrance could have been more polite while providing this belatedly useful information on the spot. Have not.. Read more »
Small but very interesting collection, including a tomb of Alexander the Great.
Totally loved the outside display!!! There are so many things to see and read about. It made me feel that we are accomplishing so little in comparison to what our ancestors had done!
Nice little museum. Some parts don't have much in the way of curation or storytelling so it can be a bit dry, but the temporary exhibition on ancient Greece and Anatolia is good. Note some of it is under renovation as of Aug 2020 so it isn'.. Read more »