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Memoriał Wolnego Słowa

Warsaw, Poland
4.2 / 15
Memoriał Wolnego Słowa is an original and eye-catching monument that serves as a place of remembrance for the conspiratorial free speech movement during the era of the Polish People's Republic. Despite its unconventional appearance, with a design that is not perfectly suited for jumping on a speeding scooter to reach the roof, the memorial stands out as a significant symbol. Located near the former censorship building, which has now been transformed into an intimate department store with boutiques, the memorial catches the eye with a thick black line. This line starts at the height of ul. Nowy Świat, directly across from the former headquarters of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party, and ascends several meters before ending at the height of the Liberty Corner office building. The memorial represents the act of crossing out a line of text that was deemed unfit for publication by the censor. This interesting object, reminiscent of a ramp, pays tribute to the underground publishing movement that operated during the challenging times of the Polish People's Republic.
Address:Skwer Wolnego Słowa, Warszawa

An original eye-catching monument
A place commemorating conspiratorial free speech in the times of the Polish People's Republic.
It is usually sloppy and not profiled for a perfect jump on a speeding scooter to the roof
A memorial that at first 'glance' looks more like an art installation or an element of a skatepark. Standing in front of the former censorship building (today an intimate department store with boutiques), you can see the beginning of a thic.. Read more »
An interesting object resembling a ramp. It is a memorial to the underground publishing movement active in the times of the Polish People's Republic