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Dung Hill Lookout Point

Warsaw, Poland
4.8 / 15
Dung Hill Lookout Point is a charming spot in the historic Old Town of Warsaw that offers visitors stunning views of the city. From this vantage point, you can enjoy a panoramic vista of the beautiful Vistula river, as well as catch a glimpse of the impressive Stadium. It's a perfect place to take a break, relax, and admire the sights of Warsaw. If you're visiting on New Year's Eve, this lookout point is highly recommended for witnessing a spectacular display of fireworks lighting up the night sky. Arriving around 11:30 pm will ensure you don't miss out on the breathtaking horizon of colorful explosions. However, keep in mind that weather conditions can affect the overall experience. A reviewer mentioned feeling slightly underwhelmed during their visit on a foggy winter night in December 2021. Nevertheless, it still remains a cool pit stop for those exploring Warsaw's historic Old Town.
Address:Brzozowa, Warszawa

Very nice views. Old Town. Vistula and Stadium.
Nice spot to have a rest and look around Warsaw
Great for NYE fireworks. You can see a horizon of fireworks going off. I’d recommend getting here by 11:30pm-ish
I was a bit underwhelmed by the view, but it WAS a sort of foggy winter’s night (Dec 2021), so maybe that was mainly the weather’s fault. Still a cool pit stop during a visit to Warsaw’s historic Old Town
This observation point is located in the Old Town. There is very nice panorama and view from there on Vistula river and Warsaw.